onsdag den 30. oktober 2013

Session 4

Day 11

As they were almost upon the circle, our friends ran into a young woodswoman called Kari. She stopped them to warn them about the circle, and offered to help them take care of the cultists. As it turns out, it was a trap, or something. At night, she jumped Arath (with a weapon) and almost succeeded in killing him. When she died, she turned into a grey-skinned humanoid creature with little features aside from all-white eyes. On her she had a note which said:
AshfieldSergeant Karl

After the fight, our heroes decided to move their camp. Not much did it do, as a ghoul spotted them and surprised them. After a short battle, the undead menace died none the less.

Day 12

After a long day of waiting, the cultists finally arrived as it was getting dark. 6 of them, in heavy robes and carrying torches. Our heroes let them pass, and waited for them to set up their ritual. As they were performing it, our heroes attacked them, but unfortunately, the dead cultists only served to fuel the blood sacrifice to Orcus, so a demon arrived through a portal.

The fight was close, but both the cultist and the demon were killed. The cultist leader had a well-crafted tattoo of the Orcus symbol on his chest, while two others also bore tattoos, although they seemed able to deal with that. They also found a bag who had previously held a few pounds of darkwood.

The adventurers returned to their track, where they were attacked by a sneaky bugbear. The bugbear died none the less.

Day 13

They returned to the city.

Day 14

As they arrived, the city was placed under martial law. A vampire, an evil creature that prowls the night, was on the loose, and while people hired to hunt it the following night, they need everyone to stay inside, locked windows and doors. They were told to also smear garlic oil on all entrances to help prevent the vampire from entering.

They decided to protect the Laughing Ogre and help out Terrance, in case the vampire would show up there.

Day 15

They heard something upstairs, and quickly went upstairs. They almost caught a burglar, but he escaped. Due to the broken window, they spotted something odd. Outside, in the pouring rain, quads of very organized people were making their way through Ashfield.

Session 3

Day 7

The next day, the three adventurers headed north, towards the Twin Rocks. They found the two pointy 30-foot stones easily enough, where they left a fake message. Soon enough, someone arrived to pick it up the message. Nevron charmed the poor sod, who told them that a Mr. B was in charge, and he could be found at some ruins nearby. He could however not give any more information about Mr. B, despite being charmed.

Our heroic trio told him to wait, and headed for the ruins. There they ran into some sentries, and when their bluff failed, they were forced to kill them. Nevron spotted a heavily cloaked figure, but he dissipated as soon as Nevron tried to attack him.

Day 8

The next morning, they headed back to Ashfield.

Day 9

Once back in Ashfield, they tried to gather some information about Mr. B, but to no avail. They did however learn from Elias that darkwood was used both by orc shamans, druids and devil/demon-summoners.

Day 10

Once again, the trio headed back out into Trollwood, and headed to the lumberjack camp. They learned that when they first arrived, the lumberjacks had inadvertently stumbled over a summoning circle, not too far away.

onsdag den 23. oktober 2013

Day 1 BC

Today, I took the day off from my little group. Firstly because I really wasn't too keen on being near Timotee right now, since I still had no idea what to do about him. And secondly because I got a great new opportunity to earn money. I'm seriously in need of an upgrade of my armor if I am to be at the forefront of the action. And my former benefactors are...ehmm...not here. So everything counts (in large amounts!). In my training to cast spells I have realised that you actually go through components very quickly, especially if you are one of those rather nasty wizards. So a little trip to the woods yielded 6 snake skins, 8 batwings, and a boar hide, plus some sort of brass cross that somebody must have lost. The components got me 2 gp total. I should probably be looking for other things.

onsdag den 16. oktober 2013

Session 2

Day 2
After the encounter with the ghouls, Timotee decided that he wanted no part of this kind of life, and left the two others.

Day 3
The next morning, just as Chavron and Arath were contemplating what to do next, now that they were down to two, a young mage came out of seemingly nowhere and asked to join them. His name was Nevron, and he had been told by Charming Charlie that they were looking for the lizard glands. Nevron was also out to make some gold and figured there would be strength in numbers. Chavron and Arath agreed.

Together they decided to continue searching for the bandits. Chavron picked up the trail, and soon they ran into one of the bandits. A short fight later, Chavron had taken two arrows and a shortsword to the gut and was laying on the ground, bleeding out. Arath quickly healed him, while Nevron managed to charm him, but not before he called for help. Another two bandits quickly arrived, but not before their charmed friend was dead. Together, Arath and Chavron had little problem dispatching the bandits.

They discovered the bandit camp, which was empty of bandits, but had bedrolls for 11 and a big pot of stew cooking. They decided to hide nearby and see who would show up.

A couple of hours later, the bandits returned. Eight of them there were, Simon being one of them. Archibald (the apparent leader), a caster of some sorts stood out. Four of the bandits, including Simon were sent out to find out what happened. They fanned out and searched the wood. Chavron, Arath and Nevron (Ch-ar-ne) snuck after the bandits and took them out, one by one, capturing Simon.

Away from the bandit camp, they interrogated Simon and found out that he was wanted by the city because he had dated councilman Markos' daughter and "accidentally" killed her in a fit of rage because she was allegedly "seeing" someone else. They also discovered that he didn't know anything about the lizards but that Archibald had a map of the area with all sorts of useful information.

Day 4
Returning to Ashfield with Simon in tow, Chavron, Arath and Nevron turned over Simon to Randall, who was very impressed. He thanked Arath again for removing his rash, and then whispered to Arath that it might be worth their while to talk to Holder Garth, the merchant employing the lumberjacks in the woods.

After a talk with Mr Garth who almost seemed more preoccupied with fiddling with his golden pocket-watch than talking to them, they learned that he would indeed be very grateful if they took care of the bandits, but that there was no official bounty was that was in the province of the town council to do so.

Day 5
The next morning, Chavron, Arath and Nevron headed back to the woods. At evening, as they were entering the wood, they were ambushed by a tiger-lizard who knocked Nevron out cold before anyone could react. The two others dispatched it quickly, and got Nevron back up, who then got his revenge by extracting it's gland flawlessly.

No sooner had they rested and started to move towards the bandit camp, before they once again were attacked, this time by a ghoul. Once again, Nevron was knocked out cold before even being able to blink, and once again, the monster died quickly afterwards.

Day 6
The next morning, Chavron, Arath and Nevron found the bandit camp empty. They picked up their trail easy enough, and followed it for a while. Then Nevron noticed that one of the sets of prints disappeared from the trail, and they began searching for the missing member. As it was, the shaman had doubled back in order to catch them by surprise, while the others were waiting nearby to spring the trap. A hard battle was fought, and Chavron, Arath and Nevron were soon the only ones left standing.

On Archibald, they found a map, as Simon had said, along with a message.

tirsdag den 15. oktober 2013

The message and the map

the bandit's message 2013-10-06 23.14.54


Day 0 BC (Before Campaign):
It was a nice morning. Charon and Timotee were sitting at the table - Timotee stinky as always. I concidered talking to Charon about my newfound knowledge about Timotee, but decided against it. Now was not the time. Besides, Charon was looking even more unwordly than usual. I'll never understand monks. "Life is sacred". Yeah, maybe in a stuffy monestary, but he obviously never spent time near the swamps or fended off a goblin invasion. Still a trustworthy fellow - I think. Fortunately, the mark under my wrist was no longer visible. It will be great to be able to wear short sleeves again. It was a good thing that Terrance hadn't told anything. Who knows what I would have done... Maybe I should just settle down and live a quiet life. Hell, I could even go back to the church.
Yeah right!

fredag den 11. oktober 2013

Session 1

Charon, Timotee and Arath had been a team, an adventuring party for a little under a month. After meeting when Charon was charged with bringing Arath to justice, they quickly became friends.

Now they had been passing time in Ashfield, waiting for someone to need their particular skills.

They had been staying at the Laughing Ogre (owner Terrance, Moonite male, scar on throat, tattoo of dragon on hand).

Day 1
As the three adventurers were sitting, chilling at the Laughing Ogre, Sergeant Harold (Sunite male, young, acne) arrived and informed them that Lieutenant Randall wished to see them at the barracks. When they arrived, they ran into a young Sunite with a nasty rash on his arm and neck. Arath cured him off it, and it turned out to be Lieutenant Randall.

He informed them of a fugitive called Simon, a fugitive wanted by the town of Ashfield. He had been sighted with some bandits that were plaguing the lumberjacks in the forest. The bounty was 50 gp if dead, 100 gp if alive for Simon. The three friends took the deal, and almost immediately headed out of town and south towards the forest. On the way out, they met a young half-elven red-headed charismatic wizard, who introduced himself as Charming Charlie. He wanted them to look for certain things, while being in the forest. He told them that he was willing to pay 85 gp for the poisonous gland of the Tiger Lizard and 100 gp for the scalp of a wight, both ingredients he needed for his magical research.

After walking most of the day, they arrived at the forest. As they entered it, they ran into an orc, an orc scout, or so Timothee believed. The orc's name was Krull and he told them that he was an outcast from the Rotten Feet Clan to the south. He offered to share his meat with them, and they accepted. He brought them to his camp, and for a couple of hours, all went well. Then, as it became dark, and people went to bed, Krul attacked Arath, but was killed, even though it was kinda difficult.

Day 2
The next morning, they arrived at the lumber-camp. They confirmed the attacks, but could and would not help them further. The unlikely trio kept looking for the bandits, and after stumbling over some beetles, they found tracks and a lake. As they were investigating the lake, they were attacked by two ghouls. Arath was beaten to a pulp, but the other two managed to dispatch the undeads.