While Arath continued to run with haste, putting more and more space between himself and the orcs, Nevron was using magic to follow him. Urnyx made it to the three line and tried to hide from the flying orc. The orc found Urnyx, and Urnyx managed to grab him to prevent him from flying away. Unfortunately for Urnyx, the flying orc turned out to be a Glabrezu, a demon from Hell, which grabbed him right back with it's giant pincers and proceeded to beat the hell out of him while dropping magical darkness on him. Things looked as if they were going to end there for Urnyx, when suddenly the darkness disappeared and a cyclops tackled the Glabrezu away from Urnyx. Ruby was there as well, and told him to run. Which he did. Meanwhile, Nevron had found Arath and using magic, they arranged to meet up with Urnyx back at the boat.
Deciding there was nothing more to do here, they set sail towards Ironville.
Day 226 (2nd cycle of autumn, 2nd day)
The Sons return to Ironville and immediately go see Sophie Ran. They told her of what had happened with Faytown, but instead of thanking them, she said..
I have just gotten irrefutable proof that you are allied with the demons and have participated in the execution of all good men and women of Faytown. Not only that, but you stalled on killing the hag, so that almost every single child of Ironville has died. Your betrayal is imaginable. Not only have you betrayed your adopted city, you have betrayed your own races. Normally I would give you a trial, but you are simply too dangerous to let live.And then all the guards started to shoot. The Sons tried the best they could to survive, but they couldn't get out of the room and they couldn't deal with all the bolts raining down on them. While struggling to survive, they found out that Sophie was possessed by Ter-Zoth, but little good did it do them. They still died, remembering what Elias said once, a long time ago...
Four things will define your greatness.As the Sons died, they passed on through the veil to the Underworld. As they drifted through the misty haze, they suddenly felt a godly presence and saw a giant grey face with white eyes. The face spoke.
The army in the shadows that wants to rule mankind.
The deadly trio that will cover the world in plague and ruin.
The forgotten one that wants to destroy the world.
And your death at the hands of an ally.
Welcome to my domain, Sons of the Phoenix. Under normal circumstances, it would be my pleasure to collect your souls and perhaps even keep them here for eternity. Alas, you are not done quite yet on Gemnos.Day 231 (2nd cycle of autumn, 7th day)
You see, my brother Bane is plotting and scheming to throw the world into chaos in order to reap more souls. That would throw off the balance there is between the three of us and while it would bother me a great deal, you mortals would be in much greater trouble. So that plan must not succeed. Since I am bound by divine mandate not to interfere directly, it is up to you and your allies to stop my brother’s plans. Luckily for us all, you are dead now, and I am thus able to circumvent certain rules. I also have an… ally who is very adept at bending that mandate.
Everything happening lately is connected, even though most of the players might not know nor realize it. The wars that have plagued the region over the last months have been meant to destabilize the it, while the Dark Trio and Ter-Zoth each in their own way work on a way to cause a great many deaths. The Dark Trio is working on using an ancient alien artifact called the Orb of Void to create an undead plague of some sort, that they can unleash on the whole nation, perhaps on the whole continent. Since it by all accounts isn’t ready yet, I can not tell you what form it will take, but I gather it will remind in one or more ways of the two plagues you have already encountered. Meanwhile, Ter-Zoth works on opening a portal large enough to let thousands of demons back onto Gemnos, this time to conquer and keep it in their demonic grasp. I do not know either how he will do this, but this sort of endeavor usually requires a lot of deaths during a ritual, both located at a place of demonic power.
So, unless you wish for Gemnos to be covered by demons or undead plagues, I suggest that you get on with your business and do not die again.
If you want to talk to the person who is the mastermind behind all the wars, I recently had a chat with a Prince Erak of the Shadar-Kai. He is the ruler of the city that attacked Ironville. He was reluctant to tell who was behind the attacks, but I reminded him that he lives in my world and even though he belongs to the Raven Bitch, I could still make life and death extremely complicated for him. The wars were masterminded by the drow. Specifically by a high priestess of Lolth named Illira Vronn called the Shadowspider. She resides in the city of Ulafarad in the Underdark.
The Sons were raised by Hagron down in the sewers below Ironville. He told them that their death had been foreseen and thus unavoidable, but he had positioned himself near Sophie, so that he could help them. He had copied their weapons and such, so that they still had all their magical items.
He sailed them out of Ironville, to a cabin hidden far in the woods, so that they could rest.
Day 235 (2nd cycle of autumn, 11th day)
After some days of resting and planning, the Sons decided to leave for Starkhold and find Metrova.
Day 239 (2nd cycle of autumn, 15th day)
The Sons arrive in Starkhold, intent to find Metrova. They take up temporary residence in a Mask safehouse, courtesy of Hagron. From there, they find out (talking to the elven advisor of House Ragor called Lelos) that all the Metrovas died 65 years ago, when they tried to coup the Starks but lost. All 17 of the family, including the children, were executed publicly. But no one but the Starks know where they are buried.
Day 241 (2nd cycle of autumn, 17th day)
After contacting the Short Brothers, they find out that the wooden mini from the Death Knight's table does indeed bear resemblance to someone in Starkhold. Someone whom a rival guild, called the Scarred Souls, have protected for a while now. Their guildhouse is near the docks, under three red warehouses.