tirsdag den 15. december 2015
Session 26
tirsdag den 8. december 2015
Session 25
10th cycle, 21st day, year 5850
After days of trying to convince the High Council, which has Kraznik on it, the Green Gems grow frustrated. In a desperate move, they sneak into a noble's daughter's birthday party and confront the Duke, thinking the High Council is keeping things from him. Unfortunately that is not the case. And when Bebe decides to pull a fast one and accuse Kraznik without proof, he is tossed in jail and excommunicated the following day.
10th cycle, 22nd day, year 5850
Salazar poses as an moon elf and tries to gain entrance to the forbidden ruins located nearby. The subterfuge succeeds, but he is almost sacrificed by a Yuan-ti on account on being there. They manage to kill the Yuan-ti and a shaman, before fleeing.
10th cycle, 29th day, year 5850
Having fled miles away, the Green Gems stop to rest for the night. In the wee hours they are attacked by a lot of moon elves and a Night Wisp. The battle is not going their way, and when the Night Wisp joins the fight, things look as if they might end there, that very night. Suddenly a red dragon lands, threatening the Night Wisp, who opts for a quick retreat.
10th cycle, 30th day, year 5850
torsdag den 26. november 2015
Session 24
Session 23
onsdag den 28. oktober 2015
Session 22
The next day continued as the last one, exploring the complex, fighting wraiths and more wraiths. At some point, in one of the many rooms, Bebe found a secret door, which led down. Downstairs, they found a mosaic depicting the creation(?) of a gaunt, albino, black-eyed humanoid race. They also found an ancient artifact (?), which seemed to raise all undead which died within a mile. As they were investigating how to turn it off, Kelal and Salazar spotted something lurking in the shadows. It was Alfred. A long talk followed, and he admitted he had killed Two-Horn. He claimed to be there in search of information, and wished to see the artifact room, although the artifact itself held no interest, according to him. When confronted by Bebe, who was very angry and aggressive, he admitted being a so-called Night Wisp, but also said that he had no interest in harming the Green Gems, and warned them to watch out whom they were working for and with. He also told them of an undead beholder (very powerful) in the tower and a mindflayer in the palace.
After Alfred had looked for whatever he was looking for and departed, Bebe and Ander managed to disable the artifact. The Green Gems went back up to check out some more crypts. After some more wraith attacks, they tried to get a good night's rest, but kept getting attacked. Once they finally got through the night, they had fought off almost a handful of wraiths.
10th cycle, 3rd day, year 5850
The exploration continues...
Session 21
After a rough fight with the wraith, the Green Gems investigated the temple a bit more, and fought another wraith or two. After that, they decided to head out and get some rest, as some of them felt quite drained by the ordeal.
10th cycle, 2nd day, year 5850
The next day, the Green Gems went downstairs, where they found a huge crypt complex, filled with rooms with sarcophaguses and other buried Yuan-ti. Each room seemed magically trapped, and often seemingly wandering wraiths attacked them. Progress was slow through the many rooms, as they often had to take a breather. They did stumble over various mosaics depicting the imprisonment of the Yuan-tis' serpent god(?) in a volcano to the west of the jungle.
tirsdag den 20. oktober 2015
Session 20
Some days later, after discovering a wyvern's nest and killing a lot of Bakaris while following an ancient road of sorts, the Green Gems arrive at gates of the forgotten city. Hidden away in a deep ravine, protected by tall walls, it cuts an impressive figure.
At evening, they scale the 70' walls and after dealing with a couple of skeletons, they can see many lights, all over town, but only one that moves around.
They decide to have Bebe's imp scout the premises first. Aside from a lot of skeleton guard patrols, a temple which rebuffs entry for the demon and the fact that something kills the (poor) imp in the palace, not much info is gained.
10th cycle, 1st day, year 5850
The next morning, they move down to ground level, where they deal with a skeleton guard crew. Quickly they sneak further into town, dodging patrols left and right. As they get near the temple, they decide to alter their plans and check it out. On their way in, they determine that the magic circle around the temple is a barrier set to block undead and demons.
The temple, which looks pretty much like a hollowed out pyramid, is full of mosaics, depicting the imprisonment of what must be the Yuan-ti god, or perhaps some powerful agent thereof. It seems to have been imprisoned somewhere to the west, in a volcano. Held there by five dragon statues fueled by the souls of countless of dragons.
As they Green Gems approach the altar at the far end of the temple, a shivering scream of agony pierces their souls as the wraith of a Yuan-ti Abomination passes through the wall and attacks them.
tirsdag den 6. oktober 2015
Session 19
Ander has worked the gem-cutting community and befriended Josjen, the 3rd son of Mr Green, a gem-broker who primarily deals in emeralds.
Bebe has held auditions and assembled a troupe, consisting of Ofarri (singer), Ashena and Napenor (jugglers)
Kelal has also started working on his mercenary band/private army, and after lengthy tests found one capable man called Deamoral. He has sent him to work at the Limping Ogre Inn as bouncer, to earn some cash.
9th cycle, 26th day, year 5850
torsdag den 17. september 2015
Session 18
8th cycle, 34th day, year 5850
onsdag den 2. september 2015
Session 17
8th cycle, 33rd day, year 5850
After decyphering the convergences, the Green Gems proceeded to investigate the complex. They found mysterious rooms where maybe experiments had taken place, odd alcoves where creatures had slept and a sort of temple, dominated by a large circular hole. They even found a weird sword, that they figured might no just be a sword, even though it showed no sign of being magic. They encountered weird magical creatures, some invisibible, some made of shadow and also some large brutes with tentacles for arms. Towards the end of the day, the Green Gems were searching through some mines discovered below the complex when disaster almost struck. They were jumped by a tentacled horror, which snapped Elizabeth's neck and tossed Kelal into a very deep hole. Salazar had to switch to giant spider form to get him, while Ander remained behind and dealt with the monster.
Session 16
8th cycle, 32nd day, year 5850
Moving on from the Genesis-room, the Green Gems explored the alien-looking complex. They quickly encountered some dark, bald dwarves. After battling with the through several rooms, the Green Gems made a strategic withdrawal and struck a truce with the dwarves. In return of leaving them alone, they would get a book of lore the dwarves had found when they arrived and a peak around their part of the complex.
Tricking Elizabeth so that she remained oblivious to the finer details of the deal with the dwarves, Kelal and Salazar got a peak around the complex and saw the garden where the dwarves had found the book. An outside garden inside the hill, full of white lillies.
8th cycle, 33rd day, year 5850
With the book in hand, they decided to take a peak in behind the barred doors, even though the dwarves insisted they would block them again, once the Green Gems had gone through.
Entering beyond the barred doors, the Green Gems found a long corridor with large statues of Mindflayers. They fought a golem-like creature with tentacles for arms. Further down the corridor, they found a timeline(?) in Deep Speech that Bebe translated with magic.
0 - Arrival
298 - Creation of the Gith
823 - Strategic Withdrawal
1227 - Creation Yuan-ti
1301 - Creation Karijhu
1397 - Creation Bakari
1789 - Yuan-ti united
3243 - Yuan-ti destroyed
5665 - Twins arrive
9338 - Republic begun
11000 - Zun created
11549 - Sons of the Phoenix
11580 - Green Gems
11581 - Tarrasque
11584 - Death of the "Gods"
11591 - Destruction of Nira
11976 - Domination
13000 - Departure
Session 15
8th cycle 25th day, year 5850
After defeating the evil of the pyramid, the Green Gems return to Dorador.
8h cycle, 26th day, year 5850
The Green Gems are approached by Jonas of the Republic, who due to their strong ties to the Cara tribe want to hire the Green Gems to investigate another ancient complex. While meeting with Jonas, Salazar is shocked to discover that of of Jonas' disciples is none othet than Balthazar, his brother long presumed dead.
He appears to have no recollection of neither Salazar nor Elsa and wants to stay with the Republicans.
8th cycle, 27h day, year 5850
The Green Gems leave for the jungle, accompanied by Elizabeth, one of Jonas' disciples. On the way t
8th cycle, 31st day, year 5850
They arrive at he complex, near the triangular tower they had stumbled upon several times. The outer complex is inhabited by Karijhu and Bakari (some of which go hunting as the heroes arrive) and protected by a lightning fence.
Salazar brings down the magical fence temporarily, and the Green Gems manage to surprise the opposition by fireballing them in their sleep. Still, facing four moon elves and four Bakari, the Green Gems were hard pressed but finally managed to win.
8th cycle, 32nd day, year 5850
After taking a good night's rest, the Green Gems decided to enter the complex. Inside, in a sort of antechamber, they found mosaics indicating that the Karijhu and Bakari had been created by Mindflayers.
onsdag den 5. august 2015
Session 15
8th cycle 17th day, Year 5850
After months of downtime, the Green Gems met up in the Cara village and decided to head back and fix the evil pyramid that threatened to ruin the jungle.
Around midday, they once again had to cross the river and once again, something was lurking, waiting to attack them. This time it was four Bakari, But with Salazar's squid-form and some patience, the Green Gems managed to deal with the black goblins.
8th cycle 18th day, Year 5850
The Green Gems once again passed by the triangular tower, but no new info was unearthed.
8th cycle 19th day, Year 5850
Entering the Zamuco tribe territory, he Green Gems took great care to not be discovered.
8th cycle 20th day, Year 5850
Towards evening, after exiting the Zamuco tribe territory, the Green Gems stumbled over a basilisk. The fight ended with Kelal being a stone statue. Salazar obviously knew about Greater Restoration and Bebe knew that some alchemist could make an antidote oil of sorts from the gullet of the basilisk. Salazar then recalled the Cara elders mentioning a halfling druid living nearby, but he couldn't recall exactly where, so he used his magic to ask a local parrot. The parrot led them to the druid's den. Late at night the druid, called Milo Goodbarrel, finally returned and agreed, upon hearing of their mission, to help Kelal.
8th cycle 21st day, year 5850
Kelal is cured of his condition, and the Green Gems head towards the ancient city
Late in the afternoon, they arrive. They enter the city and head towards the pyramid, dodging many undead creatures on the way. As they enter the pyramid to stop the necrotic smoke, they find themselves facing a Yuan-ti mummy and some skeletons. After a long fight, they manage to kill the evil creature, not the least thanks to Salazar's produce fire. They find some tablets, 4 potions and a mandolin as treasure. As they attempt to rest, they are attacked by 4 Yuan-ti ghouls, but they handle them easily.
tirsdag den 4. august 2015
The Green Gems begin their downtime
5th cycle, 30th day, Year 5850
The first of many ships arrive. Rumor that the Barakis have been somewhat cuddled has spread to the mainland, and that attracts new settlers. The big news from the other side of the ocean is that Sophie Ran, former warlord of the 7 Army Nation, has deposed the other warlords and now rule supreme.
6th cycle, 17th day, Year 5850
After a hunt, Cara hunters return with sad news. They ran into the Great White, a huge albino dinosaur, which killed the chief.
6th cycle, 24th day, Year 5850
M’Kono becomes chief of the Cara tribe.
6th cycle, 28th day, Year 5850
Bahatown has started mining for Topaz in the Burnt Hills.
7th cycle, 3rd day, Year 5850
By now, the Followers of the One God have become much more visible and gained a rather large following. They preach a new start under their guidance, citing Bahatown as an example of how one ought to live life.
7th cycle, 26th day, Year 5850
More news from the mainland. Sophie Ran has, along with the Sons of the Phoenix, famous heroes that saved the world from a demon invasion, invaded the Iron Kingdoms to the north and the Kingdom of Rha to the west, and quickly taken over both countries, more than tripling the area under her command (see map below)
8th cycle, 2nd day, Year 5850
Rumor that the Son of Emperor Kerrhylon, the Imperial heir Ghesh Kerrhylon has arrived to Maarak, spreads to Dorador, via traders working for the Melville family.
8th cycle 15th day, Year 5850
By now, more than 2000 new settlers have arrived to Dorador, hopeful of a new beginning. Not all of those arriving have the means necessary to make a perfect new beginning, so the Republicans have been helping, giving out low-interest loans to those in need.
Bahatown has grown as well, to about 600 people. Regular trade between Dorador and Bahatown has begun.
torsdag den 2. juli 2015
Session 14
3rd cycle, 34th day, Year 5850
- For a while, it looked like possessed Kelal would kill his friends.
- Suddenly someone recalled that such a ghost was usually tied to a spot or an object, and figured it was tied to the skull that Bebe had picked up.
- Salazar moved to destroy the skull as Bebe went down, but before he could finish the job, the ghost, which by now had left the body of Kelal after he went down, caught up with the resident druid and brought him down with it's foul touch.
- Meanwhile, Bebe had gotten back on his feet and managed to destroy the skull with a well-placed blast.
- Searching the ruins turned up 3 pieces with the words Eternity, Destruction and Dragonsouls on them, just as the other dragon-statue ruin.
- On the corpses they found a scroll-case and two healing potions.
- The scroll was written in Deep Speech (Bebe used Comprehend Languages) and said:
According to the Night Wisps that the High Serpent Priest awoke last moon, the first step in order to free the entrapped spirit of Zzozth is to find and destroy the 5 dragon-soul statues. Divinations indicate that one such statue is located in the ancient city of Ssashar. Go explore and destroy the statue by using the ritual the Night Wisps taught us, but beware, the city is cursed and full of undead brethren. Be vigilant. I do not trust these blue creatures, after all, they were a servant race created at the dawn of time by the Caxuctu.
- After reading the scroll, the Green Gems decided it was not time for tackling the pyramid.
- The Green Gems arrive at the Cara tribe village
- They learn from Obolak (Moon Elf Shaman) that Zzozth is the evil serpent god that the Yuan-ti worshipped.
- The Moon Elves are worried about the rumors that the Yuan-ti have returned.
- Via their lore, they recall the dark days, as they call the period where they were enslaved by the Yuan-ti
- Back in Dorador, they talk to Yazir Two-horn, who can't offer much info on the topic
- But he does say he is very close to finding the location of a hidden Yuan-ti city.
- A guy named Alfred has been looking for them, according to Elsa.
- Bebe inquires about how to deal with unholy places and such with the Bahamut priests
- One of the priests, named Brother Jared, asks to meet with the others, he has a job for them all
- He tells that the Bahamut worshippers (Followers of the One God) have recently started a new village, called Bahatown
- Now the village is under "attack" from some jungle ogres.
- They want to hire the Green Gems to deal with the ogres
- Before leaving, the Green Gems are approached by Alfred a tall, wiry and sort of odd fellow.
- He wants to buy the pictograms
- The Green Gems do not agree, and Bebe starts negotiating, asking for 30.000 gold.
- Alfred leaves
- They arrive at Bahatown.
- They meet with Headswoman Clarissa, Brother Jim and Father Melchior.
- Then they headed out into the jungle to find the jungle ogres.
- Following their tracks, they found the jungle giant who was leading them
- They killed the giant and an ogre, and the rest fled
- The Green Gems collected their 400 gp and returned home
- The Green Gems arrived at Dorador, only to find out that Yazir had been killed and his tower burned down.
onsdag den 24. juni 2015
Session 13
- Upon entering the cursed city, the Green Gems spot a triangular column, about 20 feet high, with something written on it.
- As they investigate, they are attacked by a Yuan-ti Wraith, and both Ander and Kelal feel somewhat drained after fighting the undead creature.
- Bebe sends out his Quasit familiar to get the lay of the land. He spots a huge well, a gargantuan statue of a many-armed snake, a broken dragon-statue and a rather large pyramid which literally oozes evil from the top.
- They decide to take a short break outside, in order to recuperate.
- They go back into the city and head towards the well.
- The 30' wide well is very deep.
- While Bebe, once again through his familiar, investigates, he is jumped by a Yuan-ti wight. Another wight joins the fight, but the Green Gems manage to defeat the foul creatures without too much hazzle.
- They press on to the many-armed snake statue, where they are attacked by two Will O'Wisps.
- The Wisps prove somewhat hard to deal with, and especially Bebe is in trouble, having been drained earlier by the wights.
- Instead of going to the dragon-statue, the Green Gems decide to once head outside and get some rest.
- On the way out, they attract the attention of a pack of ghouls, but the undeads are no match for the heroes.
- The Green Gems re-enter the cursed city and stealth towards the dragon-statue.
- As they arrive, they find a broken statue, that seemingly has exploded from the inside, just as the other one had.
- One thing different are the 3 Yuan-ti skeletons and the 4 Bakari skeletons that are right next to the rubble from the statue.
- Bebe goes to investigate and picks up the skull of one of the Yuan-ti.
- Immediately, the ghost of the Yuan-ti emerges from the corpse from which Bebe took the skull and says something in a language they do not understand.
- Quickly Kelal is possessed and the fight is turning against the Green Gems.
søndag den 21. juni 2015
Session 12
- During the celebration hosted in honor of the return of the sacred spear, the Green Gems also learn of another set of Yuan-ti ruins, not far outside of Cara territory.
- They decide to go and explore that, before tackling the test of strength.
- Salazar and Bebe both try to make an acquaintance of the opposite sex, but fail to go all the way.
- M'Kono leads the Green Gems to an ancient ruin nearby.
- The huge building is in complete ruins, but the 30' statue of a mind-flayer sitting in a chair is still in almost pristine condition, all things considered.
- From the statue, Bebe deciphers a mind-flayer name.
- They also gather that mind-flayers (if they were the ones to build this) are not fond of curves.
- In the ruins, the Green Gems find some ancient magical gauntlets that later turn out to make people very strong and able to carry a lot of things.
- They fight off some dinosaurs.
- The next day, they part with M'Kono and head south-east, towards the Yuan-ti ruins.
- Before parting, M'Kono psionically imparts knowledge of the way to the ruins to Salazar.
- Towards evening, they encounter the Nalindor counterpart of the ogre. Smarter, leaner but just as savage.
- Late afternoon, they arrive at the ruins.
- There are 6 buildings on land, where the ground is merely soggy, and a pyramid about 100' out in the swamp, half submerged.
- As they search through the buildings on land, they run into a carrion crawler, which paralyzes Bebe and almost gets Salazar as well.
- They find some potions.
- They draw in some giant toads who seem to be camping on the pyramid, and after killing them, make their way to the pyramid.
- They deduce that the entrance is below water.
- Salazar swims down to the doors, and open them.
- He gets sucked into the pyramid, hitting walls through the corridors.
- He changes to crocodile form, only to see a 10' skeletal snake swim out, past him.
- Outside, Kelal jumps in the water, only to find himself facing the undead snake.
- He dodges it's lightning bolt, but succumbs to the hold person spell as he tries to get out of the water.
- Salazar grabs Kelal in his crocodile jaws and drags him towards the surface when another lightning bolt forces him out of wildshape. He still manages, no thanks to his new gauntlets, to get Kelal on the pyramid.
- Meanwhile, Bebe is on his way out of the water as well, but the Naga turns on him and kills him with one bite.
- Bebe is drowning, and quickly.
- At the last possible moment, Salazar changes to a giant octopus and uses his tentacles to get Bebe out of the water and unto the pyramid, before squaring off with the Naga.
- Kelal gets Bebe back on his feet with a potion, and together the three manage to kill the Naga, the fight ending with Bebe blasting it's head off.
- While Bebe and Kelal lick their wounds and regain their strength, Salazar, still as an octopus, swims down into the chamber where the Naga lived.
- He finds some books, some coins and a coffer.
- The books are now ruined spellbooks, and when he grabs the chest, it bites back. It's a mimic
- Locked in a deadly embrace with the mimic, Salazar slowly drags it out through the corridors filled with water and up to, so that they can all kill it.
- The Green Gems return to the Cara village.
- The test of strength, fighting a huge dinosaur, proves very easy when Salazar manages to charm it, then proceeds to free it.
- They learn that the white column came from an ancient cursed city.
- The Green Gems leave M'kono and his tribe after Obolak the shaman imparts Salazar psionically the way to the cursed city
- Somewhat past midday, they cross the river, and get attacked by a saber-toothed tiger while Kelal is making his way across.
- In a hilly area, they find a triangular tower (mind-flayer-made?)
- Kelal states that is must be connected to something bigger, as it is strategically stupid to make towers such as this in the middle of nothing.
- As they exit the jungle-covered hills, they enter Zamuco lands, another Moon Elf tribe.
- Having been warned that they are very aggressive, the Green Gems take care and travel quietly and stealthily through.
- Without incidents, they exit Zamuco territory towards evening.
- At night, they get attacked by two nasty raptors.
- Halfway through the day, they stumble over warning signs (skulls hanging from trees), probably telling other Moon Elves that this is dangerous territory.
- As they progress further, the jungle shows signs of death and decay.
- As they approach the cursed city, they can almost physically feel the evil necrotic rot that is permeating the area.
- They finally find themselves in front of the cursed city.
- The only entrance seems to be through the main gate, which is a gargantuan snake's head, where you enter through the open mouth.
onsdag den 17. juni 2015
Sell/buy a magical recipe: DC20 investigation check to find a buyer/seller. Special Persuasion (CHA) to sell/buy. Can also employ middle man, who takes a cut/fee. Usually takes 2d6 days.
Session 11
- The Green Gems decided to figure out some more about Kraznik and his two bodyguards.
- They decided to survey his mansion, to see if he was ever without them
- After 6 days of surveillance, Bruno, the large black bodyguard with the fearsome axe, finally left the mansion to visit a whore at the Dirty Dragon.
- On the way back to the mansion, he also stopped to buy some expensive rum.
- Tama Kelal visits the Dirty Dragon in order to find out which whore Bruno has visited.
- He is entertained by Shiree, but fails to find out more.
- Instead of ambushing Bruno at the Dirty Dragon, they decide to try to break into the mansion.
- Like clockwork, Bruno leaves for the Dirty Dragon.
- Kelal, Ander and Salazar keep the lookout while Bebe directs his imp familiar to enter the mansion, grab the spear and throw it out the window.
- Meanwhile, Bebe had scaled the wall surrounding the mansion and jumped into the garden to pick up the spear.
- As Bebe was going over the wall once again, he was seen by some people passing by, and the guards were alerted.
- One of the guards ran after him, with Kelal following suit.
- The guard caught up with Bebe, who was hiding with the spear.
- Bebe killed the guard, while Kelal faked trying to help the guard.
- Bebe ran away and his the spear, while Kelal gave false testimony to the guards arriving at the scene, causing them to suspect someone from the Hoods.
- The Green Gems get Yazir to check if the spear is inherently evil or something like that, but it is not. He says it is magical but probably only works in the hands of a moon elf, or perhaps in the hands of a member of the Cara tribe.
- Spear in hand, the Green Gems left Dorador and met up with M'Kono
- He asked for their help in returning the spear to the village of the Cara tribe.
- The Green Gems and M'Kono were attacked by some apes
- Approaching Cara territory, they were spotted by Karijhu scouts.
- Later the same day, they were attacked by two Karijhu warriors. Not all at the village are a big fan of M'Kono.
- Towards evening, they arrive at the village.
- They are let into the village and funneled amongst a hostile moon-elf crowd towards a large cabin near the stone pyramid who dominates the center of the village.
- M'Kono presents the spear to his father Ka'nak and the skull-painted shaman, Obolak.
- They do not seem entirely convinced, but then Bebe and Salazar step in and convinces them.
- All is good and a feast is quickly prepared.
- M'Kono has previously mentioned that there has been an earlier incident of white smoke about 9 months ago.
- When the subject is breached by Ander, Obloak gets agitated.
- In short, such knowledge is forbidden to outsiders, unless they have proven themselves in a test of strength.
- The Green Gems decide that they must know more.
onsdag den 3. juni 2015
Session 10
- After a long and brutal fight, with everybody barely standing towards the end, they negotiated a cease-fire with the remaining dragonborn (the other two were dead), who according to the deal promptly left the habitat.
- The Green Gems continued their search of the place and finally found what they were looking for.
- The last building seemed as if the roof had been blown off.
- Inside was (as far as they gathered), the remains of a (sort of) hollow statue of a dragon who seemed to have exploded.
- They found 5 draconic runes on bits of the statue.
- Guard, destruction, dragonsouls, eternity and sleep were the 5 runes
- There were more, but they were too destroyed to decipher.
- Outside the building there were signs of someone(s) standing for a long time - maybe enacting a ritual?
- The Green Gems also thought that the comets proximity was tied to the statue and/or the ritual
- There was a red ara feather around the same area
- There was also a golden ring, made for something bigger than a human
- The Green Gems arrive back in Dorador
- Yazir Two-Horn tell them that he is almost certain that he will soon have the location of an ancient Yuan-ti city.
- Hearing about their discovery, he confirms certain things, and links the white smoke to a dragonsoul.
- He also tells them that the pictograms indicate that the dragons ruled over the Yuan-ti about 8000 years ago, then suddenly left.
- Bebe theorized that they didn't leave, but instead gave their life to imprison something that has now been released.
- Yazir also identifies the shield they found as a shield that makes the wearer very perceptive and quick to react. It says "Always Vigilant" in celestial on the shield and was also created by heavenly creatures at the dawn of time, or something along those lines.
- The Green Gems meet up with Lazy, who informs them that Kraznik, of Kraznik & Sons, one of the most powerful merchants in Dorador, has a spear matching their description hanging on his wall, over his desk.
- He warns them going toe to toe with Kraznik, as he has two extremely capable bodyguards who rarely leave his side.
- The Green Gems decide to see if perhaps they can get something out of the Hoods, who were previously hired by Kraznik to deal with the Bakari shaman.
onsdag den 27. maj 2015
Session 9
- Buy rations and other things needed for a trip to the white smoke
- Salazar thinks he sees his brother, who he thought dead, but loses him
- The Green Gems head south for the hills with the white smoke
- Close to dawn, a panther is stalking their camp, but it runs away when discovered by Salazar
- The White smoke has disappeared
- At night, the Green Gems are attacked by a Bakari shapeshifted into a jaguar.
- The poor creature is entangled and webbed, then forced to sleep by Ander.
- Bebe interrogates it and learns that it has no clan due to being cursed.
- The Bakari is thrown into the sea from the cliffs.
- Around lunch, the Green Gems enter the hills.
- Dell, Bebe's new pet is sent out to scout and locates a hidden location with buildings of stone
- They arrive and survey the hidden area.
- Huge ruined marble buildings which can't be seen from the sea-side
- They start to explore the buildings
- The Green Gems are attacked by swarms of spiders, barely surviving
- One of several enormous columns sports draconic names at the top
- The size of the buildings and the presence of Draconic leads the Green Gems to think that this was a dragon "village".
- Otherwise the style is very "clean"
- Salazar discovers dried blood and follows the trail, almost falling into a covered pit of snakes.
- They find the body of a dead Tiefling, complete with two curved and jagged swords and some spell components.
- In another building, they find a golden shield with an eye and some unknown words inscribed above the eye. Despite having been buried by rubble for what must be many years, the shield is not dirty at all.
- As the Green Gems make their way to the bridge to the other part of the village(?), most of them are surprised when someone/something fires a x-bow on them.
lørdag den 23. maj 2015
Session 8
- The Green Gems return to Dorador, with the shaman in tow.
- Stopping at a barn in the sugar-canes fields of Dorador, they interrogate the Baraxi shaman who tells them that Hregar, the high shaman was the brains behind the attacks, because he had made a deal with 3 white people (humans?) from Dorador to burn the fields. He had also given the spear to the leader of the 3 white people.
- Once back in Dorador, they handed the Baraxi over to Sergeant Jones
- They concluded their deal with Jonas, and agreed to try to find out who was behind the deal with the Baraxi.
- 200 gold would be their reward, unless the mastermind was a noble, then the price would go up to 500 gold.
- Then Bebe toured the inns and spread the rumor that the Baraxi was going to identify 3 people who had hired the black goblins
- The Green Gems then hid in a cell at the prison (after making a plan with Sergeant Jones)
- 3 thugs arrived at the prison during the night.
- Let in by the guard, whom they had bribed, they went in and killed the Baraxi shaman.
- The Green Gems jumped them, but they were very competent, and suddenly the heroes found themselves in a fight for their lives. In the end, only the new guy Kelal was standing, and luckily, the two remaining thugs were wounded and no intention of dying for a Baraxi, so they took off.
- They were members of the Hoods
- After getting some more sleep, the Green Gems went to Madam Frida's Tea Parlor to talk to Lazy of the Short Brothers, thinking maybe he could help them with locating the spear.
- As it turned out, Lazy had a different job for them.
- A merchant the Short Brothers had "come in contact with" was due to buy a dragon egg from an elf later this night.
- The Short Brothers want more info about the seller, and since the merchant looked a lot like Ander, the Green Gems would pose and buy the dragon egg with fake gems while planting a magical pin on seller.
- The Green Gems took the job against Lazy sending out word about the spear.
- The Green Gems immediately went ahead and went to one of the empty barns in the sugar-canes fields, since that was where they were supposed to meet with the elf later on.
- They hid in the barn, waiting.
- Shortly after midnight, 4 thugs arrived.
- From the conversation the Green Gems overheard, the thugs were there to steal the egg from seller.
- The Green Gems made short work of the thugs, but Kelal decided to kill the last thug even though he surrendered, which led to a somewhat strained situation
- At 2 hours past midnight, the elf arrived with two bodyguards
- The exchange got made, even though he had some doubts on whether Ander was really the same seller he had made a deal with.
- With some difficulty and some blind luck, they also managed to place the pin on the elf.
- They then returned to Lazy with the egg.
lørdag den 16. maj 2015
Session 7
- After a long fight, the Green Gems fail to capture the leader, who gets away
- The captured Bakari does tell them of the main camp, the village of the Bakari and the plan to keep hitting the fields. But he doesn't know why.
- He does know they plan to hit it every night from now on.
- The Green Gems return to Dorador to get some rest
- At night, the fields of Dorador are once again attacked by the Bakari
- This time, the Green Gems manage to pinpoint the leader of the Bakari and capture him.
- He knows very little
- After sleeping some, they leave for the camp of the Bakari.
- They find the shaman there, alone with 2 other Bakari hunters and a captured dinosaur.
- The Green Gems kill the two Bakari hunters and capture the shaman (using a sleep spell after making the dinosaur trample him)
søndag den 10. maj 2015
Session 6
- Tama Kelal joins the Green Gems
- Alternative names for the group are discussed
- Yazir Two-Horns (tiefling sage) informs what he so far has learnt from the pictograms from the Yuan-ti pyramid
- There are 3 types of Yuan-ti: Pureblood, Malison and Abomination
- Pureblood: Look human except for slit eyes and forked tongue. Workers/slaves of Yuan-ti society. Had no rights. Mostly female.
- Custom: Self-scarring, piercing of ears and cheeks, bury beneath house
- Malison: Snake lower body, human upper body. Hunters of Yuan-ti society.
- Custom: Tattooing of entier upper body, minus face, bury beneath house
- Abomination: Large snake with arms. Leaders of Yuan-ti society.
- Custom: Bury in pyramid with Pureblood slaves
- Yuan-ti grew maize
- Best way to die was ritual suicide, then you automatically went to the Serpent Gods
- When dead, wrapped in cotton with a silver piece in mouth
- Sacrifizes to the Serpent gods were common, always at night, to the moon
- Story of the Yuan-ti race much older than anticipated
- First ruled by cloaked figures with tentacle mouths (Just Purebloods)
- Then ruled by dragons (Purebloods and Malisons)
- After dragons, Abominations appear and the Yuan-ti subjugated the Karijhu (moon elves) and the Bakari (black goblins)
- Pictograms also indicate that the Yuan-ti built vast cities and had great wealth
- The Green Gems are contacted by Lazy (halfling, member of the Short Brothers, a thieves guild with a very large network), who wishes to know about the mission they performed for emissaries of the Republic.
- The Green Gems also learn that El'Jenar, Elsa's boss, has a house for sale and is looking to make contact with them.
- The Green Gems help deal with another Bakari attack on the fields outside Doarador.
- They cash in on their Bakari ears with Sergeant Jones and lie regarding how many Bakari they dealt with, and thus inflate their reputation.
- They are contacted by a Jason, a well-dressed man who resides at the Tall Bimbo.
- He wants them to find out why the Bakari are attempting to burn the fields
- They hire a hunter (Tall Tim) to track the Bakari and head out into the jungle.
- They catch a Bakari of the Black Skull Tribe, but he knows very little.
- They learn there is a camp
- They track down a "leader", who is out hunting by the river, along with 3-4 other Bakari.
mandag den 27. april 2015
Session 5
- The Green Gems left Dorador along with Sandy, heading NE towards the Yellow Hills in search of the tower.
- As they entered the wild area outside Dorador and night fell, they were attacked by a saber-toothed tiger. After killing it, Salazar, while still in raptor form, encountered a moon elf, a Karijhu.
- His name is M'Kono of the Cara tribe
- His ancestors' spear was stolen a couple of weeks ago
- He was blamed and cast out by tribe
- He found some goblins who admitted their shaman had given/sold the spear to a man from Dorador.
- M'Kono asks them for help.
- There is a huge meteor that appears in the sky
- The Green Gems arrive at the tower
- It is occupied by a bunch of cultists that have recently learned that the tower holds a special connection to Hell.
- Sandy awakens from her passive mode and negotiates an expanded assignment for the Green Gems.
- All the Orcus cultists are subsequently killed by the Green Gems.
- Sandy goes into a secret part of the basement and emerges a bit later, satisfied with the results.
- The Green Gems arrive back at Dorador
Session 4
- The Green Gems talked with Two-Horn and struck a deal
- On the way home from a tavern, the Green Gems spotted a man being assaulted in an alley.
- They followed the perps through a secret door in one of the ancient giant walls.
- They witnessed the kidnappers hand him off to a 3 ft tall blue elf-like creature who was flying.
- They heard the creature asking the kidnappers to return the next night "with a female this time"
- They fought and were losing, when Bebe managed to land Tasha's Hideous Laughter on the creature, so that the Green Gems could get away.
- They did however manage to save the man and capture one of the kidnappers.
- The kidnapper, a Fire Knife, was turned over to the guards.
- The fields outside Dorador were attacked by Barakis and parts of the fields were burnt off.
- The Green Gems fought and killed 3 Baraki and helped stopped the fire.
- At evening, The Green Gems laid a trap in the ancient sewers, so when the kidnappers returned, they surprised them and killed them all, bar one.
- Using magic they impersonated the flying blue elf, but scared the remaining thug into fleeing
- They followed as far as they could, then waited to see if he would come back.
- Bebe acted all weird, and delivered a white lily to Damon, the leader(?) of the Guardians of One Gemnos, the embassy of the Republic.
- Damon offered the Green Gems a job. To escort a woman named Sandy to a ruin near the Yellow Hills, to pick up some tablets for 100 gold.
- The Green Gems were very skeptical about him.
- The Green Gems waited for the thug and then the blue elf to return, but neither showed up.
- With one day to go before having to leave with Sandy, the Green Gems spend it chilling out
onsdag den 11. marts 2015
Session 3
- They spent some days in Dorador.
- They got their gems appraised.
- They got their copper exchanged for gold.
- They met with Yazir Two-Horn, the tiefling sage and struck a deal with him regarding the pictograms.
- They hired 4 pages to copy all the pictograms
- Salazar, Ander, Bebe and Flint, along with 4 pages returned to the Yuan-ti temple
- The 4 pages worked for 10 days, copying the pictograms on pieces of parchment.
- Salazar made some healing potions.
- Ander cut the two uncut jaspers they had found.
- As they were running out of wood for fire, they made a trip to the jungle to collect more wood. They fought some flying snakes.
- Returning to Dorador, they ran into five lizardmen, who proved to be somewhat of a challenge, but Sleep, Entangle and Salazar in velociraptor form won the day.
onsdag den 4. marts 2015
Important people of Dorador
Yazir Two-horn: Tiefling sage, historian.
Explorers of Nalindor: Called EoN for short. Founded and funded by the Anraq family out of Belcoast. They search for all info and such of Nalindor. Everything from artifacts to maps of what happened before have an interest. Mostly they hire expeditions to follow up on clues found by others, but sometimes they fund expeditions for a cut.
Guardians of One Gemnos: From the Republic, acts like sort of an embassy, quietly preaching the ways of the Republic and the Republicans (communism and magic-is-bad). Also funds expeditions into the Green Abyss. They spend a lot of time and money serving food in the slums and lower class areas.
The Short Brothers - The local chapter of the guild runs most of the ladies for hire and the gambling of Dorador. Usually contactable via one of their brothels or gambling halls.
The Fire Knives - Another thieves' guild. Known for selling poison and dealing in extortions and blackmails. Unknown hideout.
The Hoods - The largest thieves' guild of Dorador. Thieves and pickpockets are almost all Hoods. They also cover most of the fencing and loansharking, too. Unknown hideout, but usually taverns in the Lower Class or Slum areas are a good way to start.
Church of Nira - The large church of Nira in Dorador is run by the ageing Highpriestess (and Sunite) Gina Sunflower. Those that grow or work in the sun flock here at dawn to pray and sacrifize animals for the day/week/month to go well.
Church of Torax - The church of Torax is run by High Priest simply called Great Moon. The Church is well-sought-out for advice on a number of subjects.
Followers of the One God - Not much is known so far.
Church of Erathis - The very large church of Erathis is run by Brother Erik. A panel of five Erathis priests serve as judges and settle disputes for the common man of Dorador. Anything involving the nobility or other power players are usually handled by the High Council or the Duke himself.
Salasar Inc - The worldspanning chain of shops owned by the Salasar family is run by Randolph Petri. Anything you want to buy, outside food, weapons, gems, armor and magic, they (usually) have.
Red Rhum & Wines - The owner is Peter Lorrin. Specialized in producing high-end rhums and wines and shipping them around the world.
Session 2
- Ander got rid of his paralysis and woke up.
- They went looking for gems in the Yellow Hills.
- Wanting to get a sample of the Yellow Stones, Ander caused part of the hill to collapse, narrowly avoiding a 22 ft fall.
- There was an ancient Yuan-ti pyramid in the cave revealed by the collapse of the hill.
- The heroes ventured down and into the pyramid.
- They explored a hallway full of pictograms depicting the daily life, rituals, customs and history of the Yuan-ti people. There were even a few words here and there, although in language(s?) that neither of them could understand.
- They found a crypt of servants and avoided a trap which had fire-breathing serpent statues, but had to fight four skeletons. Bebe went down hard when he fell on two of the skeletons' blades.
- They went outside to rest
- They re-entered the pyramid.
- Going down, they were attacked by some crawling claws, which they quickly dealt with.
- They then avoided another trap (or rather a pressure plate) by jumping over it.
- More stairs, more crawling claws.
- They found the crypt, complete with a sarcophagus and tables of icons. One of the icons was a Dust Mephit. The two half-elves were immune, so no one went down to the Sleep spell, then Ander knocked it out of the air with his own sleep spell, and the others took it out.
- Inside the sarcophagus was the remains of a 11 ft snake with two human-like arms, presumably a Yuan-ti. There was also a ghoul, one of the women(?) who had been buried "alive" with the Yuan-ti. The ghoul died quickly.
- Turning the very large sarcophagus revealed a secret door, with a room with a chest behind.
- Inside the chest was a some money, gems and potions.
- A Quasit "arrived" as they touched the gems.
- The Quasit was quickly killed.
- They returned to Dorador with the money, gems and potions.
onsdag den 25. februar 2015
Session 1
- After spending time together on different ships getting across Gemnos, Ander, Bebe and Salazar have become friends.
- They have been in Dorador for about a week, living with Salazar's sister (Lower Class area near docks, updated on map)
- Ander has an idea to make them rich, he wants them to find gems.
- Via Korbal from the Explorers of Nalindor (Travel area, updated on map), they hook up with Flint, an Erathis-quoting dwarf.
- They head for the Yellow Hills.
- They make a quick stop at Quarry, the mining post at the Yellow Hills.
- Heading into the hills to search for gems, they run into 2 giant wolf spiders.
- Bebe's magic slays the two spiders, but the fight leaves most of them wounded and Ander paralyzed.
- While waiting on Ander's paralysis to pass, an ape comes by and challenges them, but Salazar manages to scare it off.
mandag den 23. februar 2015
Nobles of Dorador
The Beaumont family:
Originate from Ortygal, Lionel Beaumont, the patriarch of the family left the ever slowly crumbling empire to seek a place far away from the Ortygalian politics, a place where he could carve out as his own, instead of just being the sixth son of an unimportant family. So far, things are going well, and Lionel's eldest son Robert sits on the High Council.
The Greville family:
Hailing out of Varnor, the Grevilles' business is conducted by the twins Jack and John, which they do well. Cold and calculating, the relatively young men are none the less nothing but a front for their grand-mother, the venerable Elisabeth Greville. Said to be more than 90 years old, the aging woman, that is never seen outside the family mansion, is said to run the family business with an iron grip.
The Eden family:
James Eden, the head of the Eden family, is the current Duke of Dorador. It is commonly known that the family is from Belcoast in the Seven Army Nation, but aside from that, little is known about the Edens. They rarely talk about the past. One rumor that has circulated is that James Eden incurred the wrath of Warlord Jasper Ladjeer due to helping the Dragon Mother with a political plot and that they all had to board a ship in the middle of the night in order to avoid retribution.
The Iricha family:
Being from Djaboor, the Iricha family is not originally a noble family. In Djaboor, Jarzé Iricha was a wealthy merchant. But when the local Sorcerer-King wanted to marry his daughter, and he refused, he had no choice but to flee the country. The family fled west and crashed into Nalindor near what is now Dorador. They were (and still are) loaded with gold and were thus part of the seven families that quickly took control of the growing community.
The Paquin family:
Joseph Paquin is a mild-mannered man who is well-liked especially the poor of Dorador. He runs several soup-kitchens and is often seen wandering the slums of Dorador, handing out silver pieces and bread. Some say he was dispatched from Belcoast by the Dragon Mother herself to make the new world a better place for all.
The Melville family:
The Melvilles, who originally came from Starkhold, and who are lead by Carlo Melville, would have made excellent merchants if they weren't nobles. So good in fact, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference. Maybe that is why the family has a monopoly trading with New Kyz. Whatever the reason, the monopoly benefits them well and along with the Beaumonts, they own the largest and most impressive private estates of Dorador.
The Anraq family:
The third family hailing from Belcoast, the Anraqs have never hidden the fact of their drive to explore and gain information and uncover ancient artifacts. That is why they left Belcoast and that is why they are founding The Explorers of Nalindor (The Explorers for short), an organization that sponsors able adventurers' forays into the Green Abyss in search of secrets long buried by the jungle.
Tattoo magic
Tattoo Magic
At 1st level, you choose one type of tattoo as your primary tattoo. The damage type associated with each tattoo is linked to the features you gain later.
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Acid |
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Fire |
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Lightning |
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Poison |
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Cold |
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Psychic |
Additionally, the tattoo protects your unarmored skin. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
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Elemental |
Starting at 6th level, you learn to draw the elemental tattoo. When you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your primary tattoo, you can add your Charisma modifier to that damage. At the same time, you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type for 1 hour.
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Flight |
At 14th level, you gain the ability draw the ancient tattoo of flight, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create this tattoo as a bonus action on your turn. It lasts until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.
You can’t draw the tattoo while wearing armor as it needs to be drawn on an exposed chest.
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Awe and Dread |
Creatures of Nalindor
Aside from the Great Lizards, the Bakiri are perhaps the most common creature not found elsewhere. Loosely of the goblin family, these dark-skinned diminutive (4-5 feet) but strong creatures populate the Green Abyss in clans of 50-200. They are always ruled by a queen and extremely bloodthirsty although not terribly bright.
Also populating the Green Abyss are the Karijhu. Dark Elves. Moon Elves some people call them. They build pyramids deep in the jungles and sacrifice the hearts of their prisoners to To, the ancient, more primal version of Torax. Their best hunters are said to be shape-shifters, being able to change to a jaguar in order to hunt their prey, while others are said to possess abilities that allow them to attack the mind of their prey.
Of all the races that populate the Green Abyss, the Rabaxi are the most enigmatic. Blind, mute, psionic albino cannibals that live in small villages consisting of mud-huts deep into the jungle. Few people have lived to tell the tale of encountering them and are by many regarded as a myth, a scary tale told to frighten those venturing out to explore the jungle.
Likewise the Denago is the stuff of local legends. Supposedly a race of blue ogres possessing vast magical powers. But so far, only evidence of their existence comes from ancient books and texts.
Aside from these humanoid races, the jungles of Nalindor are also famous for it's Dream Serpents. Intelligent, predatory large serpents with the ability to put people to sleep before striking and killing, their bite is said to cause inability to sleep due to the nightmares. Sounds scary? You are indeed right, but the worst are by far the Zar-cats. Monstrously large black panthers with a spiked tails and the ability to instill fear into their victims, they are seen and revered as the ultimate hunter.