onsdag den 25. februar 2015

Session 1

2nd cycle, 2nd day, Year 5850
  • After spending time together on different ships getting across Gemnos, Ander, Bebe and Salazar have become friends.
  • They have been in Dorador for about a week, living with Salazar's sister (Lower Class area near docks, updated on map)
  • Ander has an idea to make them rich, he wants them to find gems.
  • Via Korbal from the Explorers of Nalindor (Travel area, updated on map), they hook up with Flint, an Erathis-quoting dwarf.
  • They head for the Yellow Hills.
  • They make a quick stop at Quarry, the mining post at the Yellow Hills.
  • Heading into the hills to search for gems, they run into 2 giant wolf spiders.
  • Bebe's magic slays the two spiders, but the fight leaves most of them wounded and Ander paralyzed. 
  • While waiting on Ander's paralysis to pass, an ape comes by and challenges them, but Salazar manages to scare it off.

mandag den 23. februar 2015

Nobles of Dorador

Dorador, the Port to Nalindor, is ruled by seven families of nobles who came together 11 years ago and built a power base in the ruins of giant city. For better and worse, they control most aspects of what happens in Dorador and the trade that flows out of the city to distant lands.

The Beaumont family:
Originate from Ortygal, Lionel Beaumont, the patriarch of the family left the ever slowly crumbling empire to seek a place far away from the Ortygalian politics, a place where he could carve out as his own, instead of just being the sixth son of an unimportant family. So far, things are going well, and Lionel's eldest son Robert sits on the High Council.

The Greville family:
Hailing out of Varnor, the Grevilles' business is conducted by the twins Jack and John, which they do well. Cold and calculating, the relatively young men are none the less nothing but a front for their grand-mother, the venerable Elisabeth Greville. Said to be more than 90 years old, the aging woman, that is never seen outside the family mansion, is said to run the family business with an iron grip.

The Eden family:
James Eden, the head of the Eden family, is the current Duke of Dorador. It is commonly known that the family is from Belcoast in the Seven Army Nation, but aside from that, little is known about the Edens. They rarely talk about the past. One rumor that has circulated is that James Eden incurred the wrath of Warlord Jasper Ladjeer due to helping the Dragon Mother with a political plot and that they all had to board a ship in the middle of the night in order to avoid retribution.

The Iricha family:
Being from Djaboor, the Iricha family is not originally a noble family. In Djaboor, Jarzé Iricha was a wealthy merchant. But when the local Sorcerer-King wanted to marry his daughter, and he refused, he had no choice but to flee the country. The family fled west and crashed into Nalindor near what is now Dorador. They were (and still are) loaded with gold and were thus part of the seven families that quickly took control of the growing community.

The Paquin family: 
Joseph Paquin is a mild-mannered man who is well-liked especially the poor of Dorador. He runs several soup-kitchens and is often seen wandering the slums of Dorador, handing out silver pieces and bread. Some say he was dispatched from Belcoast by the Dragon Mother herself to make the new world a better place for all.

The Melville family:
The Melvilles, who originally came from Starkhold, and who are lead by Carlo Melville, would have made excellent merchants if they weren't nobles. So good in fact, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference. Maybe that is why the family has a monopoly trading with New Kyz. Whatever the reason, the monopoly benefits them well and along with the Beaumonts, they own the largest and most impressive private estates of Dorador.

The Anraq family:
The third family hailing from Belcoast, the Anraqs have never hidden the fact of their drive to explore and gain information and uncover ancient artifacts. That is why they left Belcoast and that is why they are founding The Explorers of Nalindor (The Explorers for short), an organization that sponsors able adventurers' forays into the Green Abyss in search of secrets long buried by the jungle.

Tattoo magic

Sorcerous origins
The jungles of Nalindor are the home to many ancient and great magic. While most of it is yet unknown to the rest of Gemnos, yet undiscovered, one type of magic has been taught and learned by the settlers of the new continent by renegade Karijhu sorcerers: Tattoo magic. The ancient art of mixing arcane ingredients into magical ink and inscribing them unto your body, thereby making your body a conduit for magic. Some practitioners do it themselves, starting a bloodline, while others inherit the tattoos their ancestors have inscribed unto themselves in the past.

Tattoo Magic
At 1st level, you choose one type of tattoo as your primary tattoo. The damage type associated with each tattoo is linked to the features you gain later.



You can speak, read, and write the ancient language of Buranti. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with members of the Karijhu, Bakiri and Rabaxi tribes, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check.

Tattoo of Protection
At 1st level, you learn to draw the permanent tattoo of protection. As the tattoo magic flows through your body, your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.

Additionally, the tattoo protects your unarmored skin. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.

Elemental Tattoo
Starting at 6th level, you learn to draw the elemental tattoo. When you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your primary tattoo, you can add your Charisma modifier to that damage. At the same time, you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type for 1 hour.

Tattoo of Flight
At 14th level, you gain the ability draw the ancient tattoo of flight, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create this tattoo as a bonus action on your turn. It lasts until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.

You can’t draw the tattoo while wearing armor as it needs to be drawn on an exposed chest.

Awe and Dread
Tattoo of Awe and Dread
Beginning at 18th level, you can draw the tattoo of dread, causing those around you to become awestruck or frightened. As an action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to draw on this power and exude an aura of awe or fear (your choice) to a distance of 60 feet. For 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as if you were casting a concentration spell), each hostile creature that starts its turn in this aura must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed (if you chose awe) or frightened (if you chose fear) until the aura ends. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to your aura for 24 hours.

Creatures of Nalindor

The continent of Nalindor holds a great many species that are not seen elsewhere. First and foremost, the jungles are home to great scaled beasts called the Wingless Dragons or the Great Lizards (dinosaurs). They come in many sizes and shapes and are generally as diverse as the human race. From pacific herbivores to bloodthirsty hunters.

Aside from the Great Lizards, the Bakiri are perhaps the most common creature not found elsewhere. Loosely of the goblin family, these dark-skinned diminutive (4-5 feet) but strong creatures populate the Green Abyss in clans of 50-200. They are always ruled by a queen and extremely bloodthirsty although not terribly bright.

Also populating the Green Abyss are the Karijhu. Dark Elves. Moon Elves some people call them. They build pyramids deep in the jungles and sacrifice the hearts of their prisoners to To, the ancient, more primal version of Torax. Their best hunters are said to be shape-shifters, being able to change to a jaguar in order to hunt their prey, while others are said to possess abilities that allow them to attack the mind of their prey.

Of all the races that populate the Green Abyss, the Rabaxi are the most enigmatic. Blind, mute, psionic albino cannibals that live in small villages consisting of mud-huts deep into the jungle. Few people have lived to tell the tale of encountering them and are by many regarded as a myth, a scary tale told to frighten those venturing out to explore the jungle.

Likewise the Denago is the stuff of local legends. Supposedly a race of blue ogres possessing vast magical powers. But so far, only evidence of their existence comes from ancient books and texts.

Aside from these humanoid races, the jungles of Nalindor are also famous for it's Dream Serpents. Intelligent, predatory large serpents with the ability to put people to sleep before striking and killing, their bite is said to cause inability to sleep due to the nightmares. Sounds scary? You are indeed right, but the worst are by far the Zar-cats. Monstrously large black panthers with a spiked tails and the ability to instill fear into their victims, they are seen and revered as the ultimate hunter.


I will never forget the first time I saw Dorador. We were coming in with the Blue Griffon and I was standing at the stern. What I saw caught me by surprise. Dorador had been attacked and destroyed. It was in ruins. I yelled, warning the sailors, but they just laughed at me. I didn't understand, but had no choice but to wait as they told me. As the Blue Griffon came closer to shore, I realized that Dorador was not in ruins, but rather built amongst the ruins of a city of giants. 
Black lines: Walls
Thin grey lines: Ancient giant walls, ruined, 3-7 feet high
Thick grey lines: Ancient giant walls, 30-60 feet high
Thin brown lines: Streets, paved
Thick brown lines: Ancient Streets, paved, 60 ft wide
Red circles: Circle of Visions, ancient magic showing seemingly random illusions

Dorador is by far the biggest city on Nalindor. Located at the end of Tranquil Bay, at one of the few places in central Nalindor, where a ship can get close to the shore.

Dorador has just north of 12.000 inhabitants, but covers the area of a city of almost twice that. Built amongst the ruins of an ancient giant city, it is full of 30-60' tall stone walls, remnants of a lost time. 

Dorador is ruled by the Duke of Dorador who is elected every 5 years by and from the seven noble families. The current Duke of Dorador is James Eden, is the second in line. To help him run the day to day business, he has the High Council, which consists of 3 people chosen by their peers. 1 merchant (chosen by the guilds), 1 noble (chosen by the noble families, can not be of the same family as the Duke) and 1 military (chosen by all officers). The high priest of the Erathis church also has a non-voting spot in the Council.

Main products: Sugarcanes, coffee, rum, soybeans and corn.
Main exports: Sugar, coffee and rum.

Aside from trade with the other continents, Dorador also trades somewhat with the other city in central Nalindor, Maarak, which lays about 120 miles to the north. All trade is conducted via ship.

Just as in the rest of Nalindor the weather in and around Dorador is very wet and hot. Temperatures never drop below 20 degrees, even at night, and on average are around 30 degrees during the day. Slightly  more during the summer, slightly less during winter. It rains a lot, more than 280 days of the year, almost most of that rain falls during the night. Violent thunderstorms are also quite common.

Places of Interest
The Fields:
Outside Dorador are the fields that feed the city and earn thousands of gold to the nobles and merchants of Dorador. Corn and soybean to eat, sugarcanes and coffee plants to process and ship to the other continents, where sugar and coffee are in very high demand.

Circle of Visions:
Ancient circles, with arcane symbols yet identified. All are exactly 14 feet, 3 inches in diameter and all show seemingly random illusions of creatures, items and areas at random times during night. Most of these have not been identified yet.

The Red Ring:
A perfect circle, 66 feet in diameter, surrounded by red stones which do not exist elsewhere on Nalindor or Gemnos. An arena has been built around the red stones, used for gladiatorial fights, debates and other sort of entertainment.

The Giant Well:
An ancient well, going more than 200 feet deep. 20 feet wide, with a 6 feet "wall" around it. A ramp has been built, in order for human-sized creatures to be able to use it and get water up.

Erathis Temple:
The single largest building in Dorator. A great square building, with a circular temple in the middle. Aside from the temple, which is open to the public, the building is also home to what is rumored to be the biggest library of Dorador, although it is completely closed to the public.

Nira Temple:
Large domed temple with an oculus. You enter by passing through the legs of a 30-foot statue of Nira, who is depicted holding a child in each hand. Very popular amongst the workers of the land outside Dorador, but also against those that make their money from the land. Each morning is started with a morning prayer and the sacrifice of an animal at dawn.

Torax Temple:
Fairly large domed temple with an oculus. You enter through a portico with granite columns. Not very popular, seems poorly visited.

One God Shrine:
This church to Bahamut was only finished 6 months ago. Ever since it was finished, the red cloaks with the platinum dragon has multiplied in the streets of Dorador, preaching Bahamut being the only god, the other gods being frauds. There are already been several clashes between the priests of Bahamut and the other clergies.

This is where the many ships bound for Dorador arrive. Run by the Harbormaster, the docks are usually a fairly chaotic place, where you can get the latest news. There are many a great many taverns to feed the hungry and thirsty sailors. After hours, it is a hard and unforgiven place, with many fist-fights.

These areas are full of inns, taverns, playhouses, ladies of the night and many other forms of entertainment. These parts of town are usually open far longer than the other and very noisy. 

This area is only home to 4 buildings. The palace of the Duke, the High Council's Chambers, the Taxation Office and Dorador's Administrative Building.

This is where the sugarcanes are changed into sugar, the coffee plants into coffee, rum is made and all sorts of different products are made. Smiths, jewelers, cobblers and everything else normally produced in a city.

Middle Class:
Mostly single and double story buildings spread out wide apart.

Mostly consists of officers' quarters, barracks and training grounds.

Lower Class:
Buildings here are closer together than in most other areas of Dorador. Mostly made of a mixture of wood and stone, this is where most of the workers of Dorador live. Rarely patrolled, the law of the strongest often applies here.

Areas covered in so many ruins and stones that building there has proven a waste of time so far. Often the spot for clandestine meetings.

These areas are chaotic at best, with no streets, no lights, few open spaces. Buildings are made from wood and even sugarcanes. Fires are common, brutality everywhere. Here people live almost completely by their own set of rules.

Only four major buildings (temples of Erathis, Nira, Torax and Lathander). Lots of small shrines to various gods there as well.

Centered mostly around the 3 big marketplaces (The Market, the Food Market and the Bazaar) of Dorador, these areas house vendors and shops of all sorts. Some are permanent, some are just where the things produced in the industry areas are sold. From dawn to dusk, it is very crowded, very lively. After hours, there are very few people here.

Boatmakers, stables, caravans and such are found here.

Upper Class:
Seven large mansions belonging to the seven noble families along with barracks for the house guards and servants are all you will see here. The ground is covered in grass and stone-paths lined with marble statues and beautifully cut bushes.

Lots of warehouses, where the goods coming in and going out of Dorador are stored. Usually heavily patrolled and sometimes guarded.

onsdag den 18. februar 2015

Session 53

Day 286 (1st cycle of winter, 36th day) - countdown day 26
Somehow, the Sons managed to get Nevron back on his feet, and the battle raged on, the demi-lich assaulting them with death howls and draining necromantic attacks. Unfortunately for the poor undead, a paladin armed with a mace of disruption is no picnic. Soon the demi-lich lay destroyed on the floor. The ritual had stopped and the danger passed.

The Sons ported back to Starkhold and immediately started to work on their plans. They told José Stark everything about what was going on, and told him they were going to summon Aura right outside his gates.

Arath struck the gong, sending a ripple through the multiverse. And then everybody waited. Half of the city on the walls, the Sons of the Phoenix outside..

Day 287 (2nd cycle of winter, 1st day, year 5850) - countdown day 27
As the sun rose, the clouds parted and Aurac arrived, easily the largest dragon anyone had ever seen. After some groveling and greetings, the Sons told him the jist of what was happening. They hatched a quick plan and Aurac then allowed them to ride with him, as he flew faster than they thought possible over the lands of Gemnos, to the Great Crevasse. 

Day 290 (2nd cycle of winter, 4th day, year 5850) - countdown day 30
As they arrived, they could see the Ironville army was spread out in a semi-circle around the ancient portal, but not in very strategically sound places.

As they landed near Sophie Rans command tent, Aurac made sure the 30.000 troops weren't going to rush to the defense of the possessed warlord, while the Sons attacked her, trying to force Ter-Zoth out. As soon as they attacked her, the orc-ogre-cyclops army sounded the attack, crashing into the now terrified army from Ironville. 

Soon after, Natalia Blackhorn appeared at the portal, starting the ritual, while her surprise for Aurac arrived, the Three had lay in ambush, as the evil alliance had long known that Aurac might be involved. 

The fight raged on. Urnyx killed Sophie Ran, forcing Ter-Zoth out. But the Sons were already somewhat wounded. Nevron managed to banish the demon temporarily, while Arath brought Sophie back from the dead to lead the army once again. With Ter-Zoth back, things quickly took a turn for the worse. Even Urnyx went down to the massive onslaught by the demon, but in the end, they managed to slay him. But it wasn't over. Everywhere people were dying, feeding the portal and Natalia Blackhorn. After chucking down almost every potion they could find, the Sons rushed towards the portal. A cyclops intercepted them, but Nevron quickly managed to suggest it to lead the way to the portal instead of killing them. 

Once at the portal, the Sons faced Natalia Blackhorn, the greatest warlock of the Cursed Lands. Fortunately for them, she was sustaining the portal, and could not use her full power. Yet, even at that, she was certainly a match for our 3 heroes. Especially her spears of pure force ripped through the Sons at quick pace and death was imminent. Urnyx went down. Arath was also gravely wounded. Nevron was running out of magic to toss at her. With Urnyx bleeding out, Nevron managed to hypnotize her and keep her in trance while Arath got Urnyx back on his feet so that they could fell the evil tiefling, stopping the ritual and saving the world.

onsdag den 11. februar 2015

Session 52

Day 285 (1st cycle of winter, 35th day) - countdown day 25
After finishing up in the church of Shar, the Sons returned to the temple, to check up on the Lathander priests and get some healing from Morninglord Henry. The darkness was covering a circle roughly 400 yards in radius at this point and did not seem to slow down, even though a third of the ritual had been disrupted. 

After some debates and talks, the Sons planeshifted to the Faerie, landing at the foot of the hill. The promptly proceeded to move further away and set up for the night in a Leomund's Shelter. 

After sleeping soundly, the Sons made their way through the junglelike wood towards the church. Just outside, they were attacked by 11 fey goblins. Nevron tried to negotiate with them, but with no luck. The goblins died quickly however, even though they did manage to wound the Sons enough to force them to heal a bit up, before heading in. 

Inside the church, they found themselves facing Rau-Dragor, a black dracolich with pisonic powers. The fight was long and brutal, with Urnyx being caught in the firm grip of dragon-fear more or less from start to finish. Yet somehow, the Sons managed to kill the undead dragon and once again, Nevron dispelled the ritual easily.

They spent the rest of the day and the night in the church.

Day 286 (1st cycle of winter, 36th day) - countdown day 26
The next morning, Nevron planeshifted the Sons into the Underworld and headed straight for the church. Inside, they found 9 shadar-kais protecting a shadar-kai shadowcaster who by all accounts was sustaining the ritual. As the Sons plowed their way through the shadar-kais, they could almost smell victory. Right until the skull of Aziir Nak'tell floated out from behind the altar. The demi-lich howled and Nevron dropped to the floor, his heart beating slower and slower.