I will never forget the first time I saw Dorador. We were coming in with the Blue Griffon and I was standing at the stern. What I saw caught me by surprise. Dorador had been attacked and destroyed. It was in ruins. I yelled, warning the sailors, but they just laughed at me. I didn't understand, but had no choice but to wait as they told me. As the Blue Griffon came closer to shore, I realized that Dorador was not in ruins, but rather built amongst the ruins of a city of giants.
Black lines: Walls Thin grey lines: Ancient giant walls, ruined, 3-7 feet high Thick grey lines: Ancient giant walls, 30-60 feet high Thin brown lines: Streets, paved Thick brown lines: Ancient Streets, paved, 60 ft wide Red circles: Circle of Visions, ancient magic showing seemingly random illusions |
Dorador is by far the biggest city on Nalindor. Located at the end of Tranquil Bay, at one of the few places in central Nalindor, where a ship can get close to the shore.
Dorador has just north of 12.000 inhabitants, but covers the area of a city of almost twice that. Built amongst the ruins of an ancient giant city, it is full of 30-60' tall stone walls, remnants of a lost time.
Dorador is ruled by the Duke of Dorador who is elected every 5 years by and from the seven noble families. The current Duke of Dorador is James Eden, is the second in line. To help him run the day to day business, he has the High Council, which consists of 3 people chosen by their peers. 1 merchant (chosen by the guilds), 1 noble (chosen by the noble families, can not be of the same family as the Duke) and 1 military (chosen by all officers). The high priest of the Erathis church also has a non-voting spot in the Council.
Main products: Sugarcanes, coffee, rum, soybeans and corn.
Main exports: Sugar, coffee and rum.
Aside from trade with the other continents, Dorador also trades somewhat with the other city in central Nalindor, Maarak, which lays about 120 miles to the north. All trade is conducted via ship.
Just as in the rest of Nalindor the weather in and around Dorador is very wet and hot. Temperatures never drop below 20 degrees, even at night, and on average are around 30 degrees during the day. Slightly more during the summer, slightly less during winter. It rains a lot, more than 280 days of the year, almost most of that rain falls during the night. Violent thunderstorms are also quite common.
Places of Interest
The Fields:
Outside Dorador are the fields that feed the city and earn thousands of gold to the nobles and merchants of Dorador. Corn and soybean to eat, sugarcanes and coffee plants to process and ship to the other continents, where sugar and coffee are in very high demand.
Circle of Visions:
Ancient circles, with arcane symbols yet identified. All are exactly 14 feet, 3 inches in diameter and all show seemingly random illusions of creatures, items and areas at random times during night. Most of these have not been identified yet.
The Red Ring:
A perfect circle, 66 feet in diameter, surrounded by red stones which do not exist elsewhere on Nalindor or Gemnos. An arena has been built around the red stones, used for gladiatorial fights, debates and other sort of entertainment.
The Giant Well:
An ancient well, going more than 200 feet deep. 20 feet wide, with a 6 feet "wall" around it. A ramp has been built, in order for human-sized creatures to be able to use it and get water up.
Erathis Temple:
The single largest building in Dorator. A great square building, with a circular temple in the middle. Aside from the temple, which is open to the public, the building is also home to what is rumored to be the biggest library of Dorador, although it is completely closed to the public.
Nira Temple:
Large domed temple with an oculus. You enter by passing through the legs of a 30-foot statue of Nira, who is depicted holding a child in each hand. Very popular amongst the workers of the land outside Dorador, but also against those that make their money from the land. Each morning is started with a morning prayer and the sacrifice of an animal at dawn.
Torax Temple:
Fairly large domed temple with an oculus. You enter through a portico with granite columns. Not very popular, seems poorly visited.
One God Shrine:
This church to Bahamut was only finished 6 months ago. Ever since it was finished, the red cloaks with the platinum dragon has multiplied in the streets of Dorador, preaching Bahamut being the only god, the other gods being frauds. There are already been several clashes between the priests of Bahamut and the other clergies.
This is where the many ships bound for Dorador arrive. Run by the Harbormaster, the docks are usually a fairly chaotic place, where you can get the latest news. There are many a great many taverns to feed the hungry and thirsty sailors. After hours, it is a hard and unforgiven place, with many fist-fights.
These areas are full of inns, taverns, playhouses, ladies of the night and many other forms of entertainment. These parts of town are usually open far longer than the other and very noisy.
This area is only home to 4 buildings. The palace of the Duke, the High Council's Chambers, the Taxation Office and Dorador's Administrative Building.
This is where the sugarcanes are changed into sugar, the coffee plants into coffee, rum is made and all sorts of different products are made. Smiths, jewelers, cobblers and everything else normally produced in a city.
Middle Class:
Mostly single and double story buildings spread out wide apart.
Mostly consists of officers' quarters, barracks and training grounds.
Lower Class:
Buildings here are closer together than in most other areas of Dorador. Mostly made of a mixture of wood and stone, this is where most of the workers of Dorador live. Rarely patrolled, the law of the strongest often applies here.
Areas covered in so many ruins and stones that building there has proven a waste of time so far. Often the spot for clandestine meetings.
These areas are chaotic at best, with no streets, no lights, few open spaces. Buildings are made from wood and even sugarcanes. Fires are common, brutality everywhere. Here people live almost completely by their own set of rules.
Only four major buildings (temples of Erathis, Nira, Torax and Lathander). Lots of small shrines to various gods there as well.
Centered mostly around the 3 big marketplaces (The Market, the Food Market and the Bazaar) of Dorador, these areas house vendors and shops of all sorts. Some are permanent, some are just where the things produced in the industry areas are sold. From dawn to dusk, it is very crowded, very lively. After hours, there are very few people here.
Boatmakers, stables, caravans and such are found here.
Upper Class:
Seven large mansions belonging to the seven noble families along with barracks for the house guards and servants are all you will see here. The ground is covered in grass and stone-paths lined with marble statues and beautifully cut bushes.
Lots of warehouses, where the goods coming in and going out of Dorador are stored. Usually heavily patrolled and sometimes guarded.