10th cycle, 2nd day, year 5850
The next day continued as the last one, exploring the complex, fighting wraiths and more wraiths. At some point, in one of the many rooms, Bebe found a secret door, which led down. Downstairs, they found a mosaic depicting the creation(?) of a gaunt, albino, black-eyed humanoid race. They also found an ancient artifact (?), which seemed to raise all undead which died within a mile. As they were investigating how to turn it off, Kelal and Salazar spotted something lurking in the shadows. It was Alfred. A long talk followed, and he admitted he had killed Two-Horn. He claimed to be there in search of information, and wished to see the artifact room, although the artifact itself held no interest, according to him. When confronted by Bebe, who was very angry and aggressive, he admitted being a so-called Night Wisp, but also said that he had no interest in harming the Green Gems, and warned them to watch out whom they were working for and with. He also told them of an undead beholder (very powerful) in the tower and a mindflayer in the palace.
After Alfred had looked for whatever he was looking for and departed, Bebe and Ander managed to disable the artifact. The Green Gems went back up to check out some more crypts. After some more wraith attacks, they tried to get a good night's rest, but kept getting attacked. Once they finally got through the night, they had fought off almost a handful of wraiths.
10th cycle, 3rd day, year 5850
The exploration continues...
onsdag den 28. oktober 2015
Session 21
10th cycle, 1st day, year 5850
After a rough fight with the wraith, the Green Gems investigated the temple a bit more, and fought another wraith or two. After that, they decided to head out and get some rest, as some of them felt quite drained by the ordeal.
10th cycle, 2nd day, year 5850
The next day, the Green Gems went downstairs, where they found a huge crypt complex, filled with rooms with sarcophaguses and other buried Yuan-ti. Each room seemed magically trapped, and often seemingly wandering wraiths attacked them. Progress was slow through the many rooms, as they often had to take a breather. They did stumble over various mosaics depicting the imprisonment of the Yuan-tis' serpent god(?) in a volcano to the west of the jungle.
After a rough fight with the wraith, the Green Gems investigated the temple a bit more, and fought another wraith or two. After that, they decided to head out and get some rest, as some of them felt quite drained by the ordeal.
10th cycle, 2nd day, year 5850
The next day, the Green Gems went downstairs, where they found a huge crypt complex, filled with rooms with sarcophaguses and other buried Yuan-ti. Each room seemed magically trapped, and often seemingly wandering wraiths attacked them. Progress was slow through the many rooms, as they often had to take a breather. They did stumble over various mosaics depicting the imprisonment of the Yuan-tis' serpent god(?) in a volcano to the west of the jungle.
tirsdag den 20. oktober 2015
Session 20
9th cycle, 36th day, year 5850
Some days later, after discovering a wyvern's nest and killing a lot of Bakaris while following an ancient road of sorts, the Green Gems arrive at gates of the forgotten city. Hidden away in a deep ravine, protected by tall walls, it cuts an impressive figure.
At evening, they scale the 70' walls and after dealing with a couple of skeletons, they can see many lights, all over town, but only one that moves around.
They decide to have Bebe's imp scout the premises first. Aside from a lot of skeleton guard patrols, a temple which rebuffs entry for the demon and the fact that something kills the (poor) imp in the palace, not much info is gained.
10th cycle, 1st day, year 5850
The next morning, they move down to ground level, where they deal with a skeleton guard crew. Quickly they sneak further into town, dodging patrols left and right. As they get near the temple, they decide to alter their plans and check it out. On their way in, they determine that the magic circle around the temple is a barrier set to block undead and demons.
The temple, which looks pretty much like a hollowed out pyramid, is full of mosaics, depicting the imprisonment of what must be the Yuan-ti god, or perhaps some powerful agent thereof. It seems to have been imprisoned somewhere to the west, in a volcano. Held there by five dragon statues fueled by the souls of countless of dragons.
As they Green Gems approach the altar at the far end of the temple, a shivering scream of agony pierces their souls as the wraith of a Yuan-ti Abomination passes through the wall and attacks them.
Some days later, after discovering a wyvern's nest and killing a lot of Bakaris while following an ancient road of sorts, the Green Gems arrive at gates of the forgotten city. Hidden away in a deep ravine, protected by tall walls, it cuts an impressive figure.
At evening, they scale the 70' walls and after dealing with a couple of skeletons, they can see many lights, all over town, but only one that moves around.
They decide to have Bebe's imp scout the premises first. Aside from a lot of skeleton guard patrols, a temple which rebuffs entry for the demon and the fact that something kills the (poor) imp in the palace, not much info is gained.
10th cycle, 1st day, year 5850
The next morning, they move down to ground level, where they deal with a skeleton guard crew. Quickly they sneak further into town, dodging patrols left and right. As they get near the temple, they decide to alter their plans and check it out. On their way in, they determine that the magic circle around the temple is a barrier set to block undead and demons.
The temple, which looks pretty much like a hollowed out pyramid, is full of mosaics, depicting the imprisonment of what must be the Yuan-ti god, or perhaps some powerful agent thereof. It seems to have been imprisoned somewhere to the west, in a volcano. Held there by five dragon statues fueled by the souls of countless of dragons.
As they Green Gems approach the altar at the far end of the temple, a shivering scream of agony pierces their souls as the wraith of a Yuan-ti Abomination passes through the wall and attacks them.
tirsdag den 6. oktober 2015
Session 19
A few weeks later, the Green Gems are once again ready to leave the protective walls of Dorador. During their break, they have done various things.
Ander has worked the gem-cutting community and befriended Josjen, the 3rd son of Mr Green, a gem-broker who primarily deals in emeralds.
Bebe has held auditions and assembled a troupe, consisting of Ofarri (singer), Ashena and Napenor (jugglers)
Kelal has also started working on his mercenary band/private army, and after lengthy tests found one capable man called Deamoral. He has sent him to work at the Limping Ogre Inn as bouncer, to earn some cash.
9th cycle, 26th day, year 5850
Ander has worked the gem-cutting community and befriended Josjen, the 3rd son of Mr Green, a gem-broker who primarily deals in emeralds.
Bebe has held auditions and assembled a troupe, consisting of Ofarri (singer), Ashena and Napenor (jugglers)
Kelal has also started working on his mercenary band/private army, and after lengthy tests found one capable man called Deamoral. He has sent him to work at the Limping Ogre Inn as bouncer, to earn some cash.
9th cycle, 26th day, year 5850
The Green Gems leave Dorador to find the forgotten city with golden roofs that Yazir's ghost told them about. They have about 10 days trip into the jungle.
After a couple of hours, they realize they are followed. They confront the men following and it ends with bloodshed. The men were mercenaries sent by the Fire Knives to kill the Green Gems. Kimorik, the lone survivor, strikes a deal in order to save his skin, and Kelal, who was impressed by his skills, hires him for his private army. Kimorik's first job is to spy on Deamoral.
9th cycle, 29th day, year 5850
The Green Gems swing by the Cara tribe at the behest of Salazar. M'kono needs help, as the Great White is still at large, preying on the moon elves whenever they leave their village. And he is worried that continued failure to kill the beast will eventually cost him his spot as leader. And with the Cara tribe under pressure from other moon elf tribes which allegedly have allied themselves with returned Yuan-ti, that would be really bad for the people of Dorador.
After a few hours of "hunting", the Green Gems find the Great White, or rather it finds them. After a short but deadly battle, the dinosaur lies dead at their feet and they have the gratitude of a moon elf tribal leader.
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