mandag den 24. februar 2014

Religions on Gemnos

There are two distinct religions on Gemnos. Two pantheons if you will.

One pantheon is comprised of Cyric, Bane and Bahamut, along with their angels and demons. It is called the new pantheon. The other pantheon is comprised of the Twins and all their aspects, or children depending on which of the several branches of the church you lean towards. It is called the old pantheon.

The new pantheon
There are three gods. One good (Bahamut), one evil (Bane) and one neutral (Cyric). Each god is all-powerful and claims absolute dominion over their outer-planar domain. Bahamut rules Heaven, Bane rules Hell and Cyric rules the Underworld.

They are called the new pantheon or the new gods, simply because worship of Bane, Cyric and Bahamut started much later than worship of the Twins.

All three gods and churches acknowledge the Twins, Nira, Torax, Mask, Torm, Mystra, Tempus, Umberlee, Erathis, The Raven Queen, Pelor, Auril, Kossuth, Shar and Lathander as gods although they are barely acknowledged as competition. They are part of an old and soon to be forgotten religion.

The old pantheon
The old pantheon is itself divided into three branches. 

The Church of the Twins does not acknowledge Bane, Bahamut and Cyric as gods. If pressed, a priest of the Twins will classify them as powerful angels, outer-planar beings with tremendous power. The Church further claims that Nira and Torax as well as Mask, Torm, Mystra, Tempus, Umberlee, Erathis, The Raven Queen, Pelor, Auril, Kossuth, Shar and Lathander are just facets of the Twins, a humanization of something too big for most mortals to understand.

The Church of Nira and Torax claim that they the twin children of the Twins. It agrees with the Church of the Twins on Bane, Bahamut and Cyric, saying they are merely powerful angels, with no power over souls, save over those who sell their soul or otherwise make a bargain with the angels or demons. They also claim that Mask, Torm, Mystra, Tempus, Umberlee, Erathis, The Raven Queen, Pelor, Auril, Kossuth, Shar and Lathander are just facets of themselves, with Mask, Mystra, Erathis, The Raven Queen, Auril and Shar being facets of Torax, while Torm, Tempus, Umberlee, Pelor, Kossuth and Lathander are facets of Nira.

Logically, the respective churches of Mask, Torm, Mystra, Tempus, Umberlee, Erathis, The Raven Queen, Pelor, Auril, Kossuth, Shar and Lathander claim they are the grand-children of the Twins, the children of Nira and Torax, and gods in their own right. Called “The Fourteen” by the common man, they, just like the rest of the family, do not acknowledge the new pantheon as anything but powerful out-planar creatures. As far as not being recognized as gods by their own “family”, the official stance is merely that it is a claim made by the older religions because they (the Fourteen) are the future of Gemnos, while the Twins, Nira and Torax are the past.

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